Field Trips

We welcome all members and visitors to our field trips! Day trips to locations in the Wellington region are usually held on the first Saturday of each month. If you wish to join our field trips please contact us using the link below for more information and confirmation on your attendance.

Wainuiomata Catchment

Date: 07/04/2018
Time: 9:45am
Details: Join members of Nelson Botanical Society to botanise this extensive tract of podocarp-broadleaved forest in one of our drinking-water catchments. See massive northern rata and rimu, numerous species of ferns, lianes, shrubs and ground-covers.

183 South Karori Road

Date: 05/05/2018
Time: 9:30AM
Details: Help to prepare lists of native and introduced plants on this hill-side property owned by Jo Schofield’s partner Brent Layton.